Audit and Assurance

Once high risk and high value information is identified in your network, it needs to be monitored and audited. Castlepoint tells you who is doing what to your data.

Review what is happening across the enterprise hour-by-hour, report on every event in the history of a file, or collate the actions of a specific user over time. Manage the integrity of your information with intuitive audit and assurance.  

Command and control across your enterprise.

Auditing effectively requires diligent review and interpretation, based on evidence. Sampling is not a defensible way to assess compliance or investigate non-conformances. Auditors need to grapple with enormous repositories of data, thousands of users, and millions or billions of events on the network, and they need to get to grips with them very quickly.

Castlepoint creates an information asset register of every document, email, database row, chat message, or web page across your whole enterprise. As well as capturing all the properties of those items, and analysing and classifying their content, Castlepoint also captures their event history.

For the first time, you can have eyes on all your data.

Some key capabilities


Automate the process of identifying breaches of secrecy, privacy, and information handling rules, anywhere in the environment. Castlepoint’s sensitive data signalling helps you prevent breaches and spills, by exposing dark data that needs to be disposed of, protected, or moved. Respond better and faster to incidents, using Castlepoint to rapidly determine who and what is affected by a spill or breach. Report on the activities of all users, across all systems, from a single pane of glass, showing everything that happened on a certain day, by a certain user, or on a certain item. Logs are retained permanently, even when they are shed from the source system or the after the original item is deleted.  


Know what information is where, and who is doing what to it. See and receive alerts on all actions across the network, and review what has happened to each item over time. Automatically identify PII, PCI, PHI, and other sensitive data no matter where it’s being kept. Meet the timelines for investigations and inquiries, with rapid eDiscovery and event reporting directly from the secure Castlepoint database. Provide access to external auditors and investigators as required. Castlepoint autoclassification is transparent and explainable (T&E), ensuring your investigations comply with Ethical AI regulations and best practices.  


Speed up the process of audit planning, execution, and reporting by having full command and control across the network. Make your reporting and analysis more defensible and more evidence-based, while also making it more efficient and cost-effective. Reduce the time to prepare for audits with Castlepoint's manage-in-place capability: you don't need to set up a data store and duplicate or move content in order to make it discoverable and auditable, or ask IT or the business unit to get the data for you. Your internal audit function is empowered to move quickly, provide accurate results, and keep source data secure and safe.

Control your risk, command your data. Full coverage, no impact.