Privacy management
Stay compliant with your privacy obligations and understand what laws apply to different data sets.
Your data estate is full of unseen risk and unrealised value. Castlepoint’s Explainable AI informs you about every record in every system. eDiscovery, privacy, cyber, audit, Generative AI governance, and records lifecycle management in one automated platform.
“With Castlepoint’s AI capabilities, we can know what data we have, where it is and who is doing what to it to determine the inherent risk and value and what rules apply to it. And we can do this with no impact on users, source systems or source data.”
The Commonwealth Treasury
Castlepoint manages over 286.5 million records for its clients in over 1.6 million separate systems. We have identified more than a quarter of a billion sensitive and high-risk records in enterprises that require protection.
With our ethical AI, we have applied records retention rules at scale to these records so they can be appropriately preserved or lawfully destroyed. This has helped reduce the potential harm of any future data spill which can result in financial and reputational damage.
“Castlepoint has helped us ensure we understand the sensitive information we store, and we now have granular visibility into what data we hold, where it lives, and when it must be destroyed."
“We are now in a better position to be able to protect our people and intellectual property from harm or loss…and reduce workload across the team. The Castlepoint team has been great to work with from first engagement. You can always reach a real person to talk with, and jobs logged through their ticketing system have quick turnaround times.
[Castlepoint] provided staff with a seamless record keeping approach with minimal input by users to create and file records. The new EDRMS is also guided by government privacy policies and provisions for secure storage of information”