Castlepoint is command and control AI that gives you the high ground over your risk.
Castlepoint brings together the full story of an operation, asset or individual across the whole enterprise and over all time, so you can see what you have, where it is, and who is doing what to it.
Shine the light on all your dark data.
Metadata is often not a reliable indicator of the national security or confidentiality classification of records, because content can change over time, with the metadata not being updated; users can under-classify content to work around DLP and other security limitations; and users may not fully appreciate the sensitivity of records if they are not clear on policy and threats. When metadata is the only indication of sensitivity, content can be under- or over-protected.
Castlepoint reads all the content of every item, in any format. It can determine whether something is sensitive, risky, classified, or subject to secrecy provisions under law, without needing to rely on metadata or labels. It uses advanced AI to automatically detect and alert on your risky data, anywhere it might be hiding.