AFMA automates records management using Castlepoint as the EDRMS

The Challenge

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is the agency responsible for the management and sustainable use of fisheries resources, including combating illegal fishing activity, and employs 170 staff around Australia. AFMA manages large sets of information captured by its dispersed workforce, which includes classified and sensitive information related to enforcement. AFMA is subject to regulatory controls for the handling of this data.

The Solution

Castlepoint was implemented in June 2020, and configured to include all of AFMA’s General and core business Records Authorities.

The solution offers an improved user experience and increases the uptake of appropriate record keeping practices and significantly enhances collaboration across the agency. This was achieved by providing staff with a seamless record keeping approach with minimal input by users to create and file records. The new EDRMS is also guided by government privacy policies and provisions for secure storage of information.

Since delivery of the new system, AFMA has seen a significant increase in online collaboration and records compliance, as all documents are now created in the EDRMS with records management automatically being applied at point of creation.

What was integral to the success of the project was AFMA’s ability to utilise its modern “cloud” products to seamlessly integrate a range of its information holdings while ensuring the solution system was compliant with the Australian Archives Act 1983, was user friendly and took the effort out of records management practices.

The Outcome

Castlepoint was implemented in June 2020, and configured to include all of AFMA’s General and core business Records Authorities.

The solution offers an improved user experience and increases the uptake of appropriate record keeping practices and significantly enhances collaboration across the agency. This was achieved by providing staff with a seamless record keeping approach with minimal input by users to create and file records. The new EDRMS is also guided by government privacy policies and provisions for secure storage of information.

Since delivery of the new system, AFMA has seen a significant increase in online collaboration and records compliance, as all documents are now created in the EDRMS with records management automatically being applied at point of creation.

What was integral to the success of the project was AFMA’s ability to utilise its modern “cloud” products to seamlessly integrate a range of its information holdings while ensuring the solution system was compliant with the Australian Archives Act 1983, was user friendly and took the effort out of records management practices.

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