What is the administrator impact?

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There is no impact on governance teams.

As Artificial Intelligence and automation have become more common, many traditional compliance systems have modified their toolset to try to take advantages of the benefits of this new technology. But many of these automation approaches are ‘Mechanical Turks’ – they look like a robot, but there is a person inside. That person is often the records or compliance manager, who needs to write and manage hundreds or thousands of rules manually, so that the system can apply them ‘automatically’. Some Machine Learning approaches to compliance also use a highly supervised approach, requiring compliance teams to pull together thousands of curated examples of documents to match every single rule in order to ‘train’ those systems.

Castlepoint addresses this challenge by training the AI on the rules, not just on the data, taking the burden off administrators so that they can spend their time actioning the insights from Castlepoint, not just feeding the machine.