Imagine a castle on a hilltop. In the castle live the lawmakers, the guards and the overseers. From the castle, they can see the whole kingdom, enforce order, and protect the citizens. Those citizens can carry out their normal business outside the castle walls, in the normal way, under the aegis of the castle keep.
Castlepoint is a Data Castle. Your data stays in its existing systems, meaning there is no impact on users. Castlepoint sees, reads and registers every record in your environment, in any system, and classifies its contents using AI. It then maps all applicable regulatory rules against the record automatically, to tell your compliance teams what needs to be retained for how long; what is high-risk; and what has high or low value.
Using everything it knows about each record, including its audit trail, Castlepoint helps protect information assets by alerting on breaches and providing powerful, contextual discovery across all systems.